Friday, February 18, 2011


More than 20,000 words into this book. Sometimes I dream about typing. There are some boring places in the original draft, and every time I come to one of those, I try to throw in a fight. Maybe a murder, but nobody has committed one of those yet.

I'm so used to writing with Mo in my lap, I hardly even notice him any more.

Book club meeting is this afternoon, and critique group in Odenville Sunday afternoon. And I've got to go and buy a telephone to go with my new phone box.


JD Atlanta said...

Fights & murders are ALWAYS good! 20000 words - in just a few days? Wow!

Ramey Channell said...

You missed a rousing discussion at bookclub: Susan has dubbed Catcher In the Rye as "Old Holden's Tale of Woe." We analyzed and now understand the true meaning of the book.

JD Atlanta said...

It's really a parable about the dangers of Freemasonry.

Joanne Cage said...

I'm glad y'all scoped it out. I kept wondering why he didn't just jump off the bridge and end it all.